My Friend Meredith
This story was produced in April 2020 as my "first year final project" at the Center for Cartoon Studies, White River Junction, Vermont. It was primarily inked with Ishikawa Zebra G and Tachikawa No. 5 Schoolpen nibs. It was lettered with a ZIG 0.3 rollerball pen. Digital editing and image processing were performed with Krita and ImageMagick.
Many thanks to the CCS staff and faculty, and to my esteemed colleagues in the classes of 2020 and 2021. I've learned things from every one of you.
For their help with this particular project, I especially want to thank Ksenya Kouzminova, Lillie J. Harris, Emil Wilson, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Jason Lutes, Stephen Bissette, Cuyler Hedlund, Luke Kruger-Howard, and Kori Handwerker.